Monday, December 30, 2013

Life Comes Swiftly

Farris Buellar is right!  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

Have you every had a moment after a major event, such as a wedding, a holiday (Christmas), a birthday or any event in your life that you feel went by SOOOO quickly? Or couldn’t really remember it?

You were left feeling a little sad? I do! I have had many of those instances in my life that have left me feeling so sad almost disapointed! Am I being too hard on myself? Were my expectations too high? Am I just a crazy woman? The answer is NO!

I read an article by Katherine Williams; that discussed this topic and laid out some really good info about The Happiest Time OUR Lives, or Not …

Perhaps this is really a very very normal “thing” to occur! “Many people experience this sense of letdown after something they’ve looked forward to for a while, whether it’s a holiday, a wedding, a birth, a graduation, a marathon, or a vacation.  Licensed psychologist Elaine Ducharme explains that it’s absolutely normal and even healthy. If you don’t have highs, you don’t have lows; it’s a normal way of life. We need to learn to cope with that. Why are supposedly joyous events and experiences followed by a big crash? We let ourselves fantasize about everything being perfect.”

 WHY, do we do this? Thankfully I am learning to LET GO of thinking everything will or could go entirely to plan. NOTHING IN LIFE WILL BE 100% PERFECT! Trust me…this concept is a very big learning process for me.

I have looked back over the course of this year and there been some of those highs and yes some of those low moments. Like Katherine explained… It’s a normal way of life. One thing I am trying to do this coming year (2014) is truly taking the HANDSFREEMAMA’S challenge and really be HANDS FREE! I mean REALLY CAPTURE THOSE SPECIAL MOMENTS, but enjoying them fully (as in, finishing the entire activity or trip or whatever) before POSTING THEM to any social media site.

I think that the idea of this can really help myself and any of you out there who really want to not MISS those special moments and have any LET DOWNS following the event because we were FULLY PRESENT! We really all can “MEND” our expectations and really enjoy each event good or bad, and we really can “TREASURE” them by physically being there and mentally capturing the memory (OR TAKE PICTURES) to ooo-and-awe over later.

I don’t think we will ever entirly free ourselves from some let downs that will occasionally occur, but we can strive to improve the frequency of them and lift ourselves up after they occur. This may involve something as simple as STAYING BUSY. Having dinner with friends or family, a massage, or reading a book. You may have more time on your hands or can make time for hobbies and new skills you’ve learned or want to learn; put those to good use, especially for people who may have contributed to your special day or event. THANK YOU NOTES AND EXPRESSING GRATITUDE REALLY HELP!

Rather than sulking about the fact that it’s over, remember how it happened. EVEN THOUGH THE EVENT IS OVER, doesn’t mean we have to start talking about the positives aspects of it. So revel in the memories! Get out the photo album, your iphone, or camera with your honey, family and friends and really see the happiness that shine through your photos. (SERIOUSLY, EVEN THOSE PHOTOS WHERE YOU FAKED IT UNTILL YOU MADE IT KIND OF DAY, REALLY WILL RADIATE HAPPINESS IN SOME WAY). Value the memories as much as the event itself. REMEMBER!!! Some events are really meant solely as a rite of passage. They need to happen FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE TO START!

LIFE WILL NOT END if that special event didn’t happen the way you imagined it going or better yet FEELING!!!! Trust me. Life does go on. We need to move forward to embrace other wonderful and beautiful events that will come along your personal journey here on earth.

I am grateful to have had some tool to capture those special moments in my life.  I am also learning to be grateful to capture some of those days that seemed hard or did not goes as planned also. Remember, it’s a way of life to have some highs and some of those lows. CAPTURE EVERYTHING.

ONE THING I HAVE LOVED THIS YEAR; was my family getting family photos taken by an amazing photographer. Take the time to get those family photos each year. Now I know sometimes the cash flow is tight and sometimes photographers’ prices are not in your range. TAKE SOMETHING! Even if it’s a snap shot from your phone or personal cameras. You will cherish those as time goes on. However, take the time to be present. GO THE ENTIRE activity before “posting” to any social media site. Wait until you are home, relaxing, actually having the down time to waste to edit and post. I really think we can become a happier more fulfilled people and community.

Brandon Burk Photography 

I hope you will enjoy some of the photos I captured this year in the video below!

 I loved going through and making a small video from FLIPGRAM to re-capture some of OUR memories of 2013. I can’t wait to see what 2014 brings. I hope you will take the time to MEND from let downs and expectations and fully be PRESENT at each of your upcoming events.


1.    Stay busy
2.   Go to dinner with friends or family members
3.   Get a massage or read a good book
4.   Start a new hobby or make time for an old one
6.   SHOW GRATITUDE. NOTES OR LETTERS OF THANKS to those who helped with the event.

Thank you for reading xoxo Jamie B. 

Monday, December 16, 2013



Since Christmas is around the Corner and I’m sorda swommped with Christmas parties, work, and everything else this season brings, WHEN LIFE HANDED ME WITH WINTER SNIFFLES...I got to my Christmas gift wrapping.

 I didn’t want to venture out into the COLD world to buy new wrapping paper, because YES I wanted to lounge around braless in my jammies all weekend. (I'M SICK REMEMBER?) I decided to look around to find some things lying around my house that could suffice.


1.    Brown Paper Sack
2.   Old Twine
3.   Christmas Tree Trimmings
4.   Sharpie Paint Pen

I hope you all ENJOY WRAPPING all your loved ones Christmas gifts this year. One of my favorite things about the season is GIVING. Well, and wrapping. I hope you can find a few simple items around your home this year to help save some money and open up your own creativity. (I KNOW WE ALL HAVE A LITTLE IN US).


To help “MEND” away those winter sniffles and prevent them from coming period. Here a few simple ideas to remind you how to keep them out of your homes this winter. 


The common cold is one of history’s great enigmas. (BIG WORD) I KNOW. Despite its regularity and predictability, nasopharyngitis (the common cold) never fails to effectively damper the winter season.

In the blue corner, the general optimism, excitement and energy of a new year. In the red corner, the defending champion, the common cold. No doubt, these two will be squaring off soon, so let’s learn how to hit the sniffles down this season. AS FOR ME… I WORK AS AN OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST IN THE SCHOOL SYSTEM. ( I AM TRYING TO FIGHT OF GERMS DAILY) HOPE THESE SIMPLE TIPS YOU ALREADY KNOW REMIND YOU AS TO HOW TO PREVENT COLDS IN YOUR HOME THIS WINTER.

1. Wash Your Hands Once an Hour
It comes at no surprise that hand washing increases personal immunity, but just how often is necessary? According to Dr. Christopher Tolcher, you may be well served to wash your hands with soap and warm water “... 40 to 50 times a day.” If you’re spending less time in contact with other humans, once an hour should suffice — but make sure you’re washing thoroughly. Director of the Center for Occupational and Environmental Health, Nancy Hughes recommends to, “... try to wash for 20 seconds – sing ‘Happy Birthday (to myself) twice.”

2. Exercise
Exercise increases immune cell production (including the formidable “natural killer cells”) by between 50% to 300%, according to WebMD. The American Journal of Medicine reported that women who walked for 30 minutes a day had half as many colds as women who didn’t exercise. Additionally, they found that the number of disease-fighting T-cells in 65-year-olds who were regularly active to be as high as most 30-year-olds.

3. Sleep Seven
In “Trading ZZZ’s,” we discussed the disasters associated with cutting sleep. Those negative consequences are only exacerbated by illness. Without proper rest, cortisol levels that stimulate your immune system are depleted to nothing. A recent study from Carnegie Mellon showed that people who don’t get the recommended seven hours of sleep a night are three times as likely to catch a cold. To avoid getting bit by the germ bug in your sleep, regularly wash your pillow-slips.

4. Vitamin D > Vitamin C
Believe it or not, the old wives tale of pumping vitamin C to reduce illness is mostly scientifically unproven. Extra orange juice can’t hurt, but vitamin D is proven to boost and regulate the immune system. Since most folks rely on sunlight for adequate vitamin D, finding a good multivitamin (such as those found in ReFirm) is essential to maintaining wintertime levels. Experts also suggest taking a 1000-IU supplement on top of a multivitamin. If you’d rather go all natural, drink more milk or add fatty fish like salmon to your diet.

The influenza vaccine has been used for years to help avoid seasonal viral infections. While the debate over the validity of the shot rages amongst the general population, studies continue to show a potent protective ability against what researchers determine to be the top three most common strains for each individual season. In 2011, vaccine effectiveness was about 60% for all age groups combined. Another study showed 90% success in children.

6. Relax
Relaxation is a simple, effective form of immune system stimulation, but it’s easier said than done. Finding ways to relax is unique to each individual, but a study from the Ohio State University College of Medicine showed the dangers of stress. Over a 10-year span, med students were evaluated for stress factors over a three-day exam period. Each year students’ stress levels greatly increased and each year infection-fighting T-cells and immunity-boosting gamma interferon levels were nearly nullified entirely. Meditation, yoga, even unique pastimes like marksmanship may decrease stress and increase immunity.


Jamie B. xoxox

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Mending Our Inner Bully

" Being Present, is a GIFT we can give ourselves daily." 
-Jamie B

I decided to make my first blog topic one that recently hit home this past week. I'm sure you have seen this particular topic or "link" come up browsing through everyone's "TBT"s (throw back Thursdays), Obama Jokes, others snowed in pictures or holiday craft ideas, Pinterest posts.  The one post that many read through and had a heart to heart with themselves also. THE BLOG POST from Hands Free Mama about her experience with her personal distracted life.

She reported that during a two-year stretch of her distracted life, she "communicated" more to a screen than to those people in her lives she loves. She talked about her schedule being so packed with "got-to-do's" that she didn't take time to relax, be silly or marvel at interesting wonders in her life. Over the past year I too have felt distracted with what's going on inside a little small device, aka my iPhone, rather than the everyday real things going on around me. "REALITY." I find that often times it is very easy to bully our own thoughts with "I need to be doing this, or we should be going there, or I should I should I should." In the past (I really struggled with this BTW), I guess I could say that I had moments where I was basically shoulding all over myself all day long. (BULLY RIGHT?) (ANXIETY RIGHT?) (NEED A LITTLE INNER "MENDING"?) YES! 

 It’s those days I know that I can't take back, moments I missed some of the really good things about my personal life. 
 (Kind of like the saying..."Where ever you are, there you will be.")

I have since tried to find a happy medium. I still look at whats going on in my social media network and yes there are times I’m like, “Dang! I should work out a little harder like those cross-fitters!” Then I try and remind myself that I enjoyed that fro-yo or my dirty Diet Coke that I had last night. I’ll try a little harder tomorrow. THAT’S OK. Just like sometimes we need to be reminded to be more disciplined with those enticing goodies and treats that are sometimes hard to pass up (for me like all the time), I find it even more difficult to be disciplined in being HANDS FREE.
This blogger HANDS FREE MAMA went on about how her internal drill sergeant was continually pushing her to make everything sound better, look better, and taste better. Her body, her house, and her personal achievements were never good enough. She simply explained that she was holding herself to such an unattainable standard that really weighed heavily on her soul and her inner turmoil eventually spilled out onto the people she LOVED the most.  I'm sure I'm not stepping over the boundary by saying; most of us BUSY, DRIVEN, PERFECTIONIST, Anxious types have all done this, including every-other type.
 I have found through my 20's, this has been an area that has needed some major "MENDING".  This does not mean I'm broken.  This simply means I have found myself at a point approaching 30 next November where I would like to really be more in-tune with all the simple beautiful things in my life. (Over the course of this past year, I feel I have been making progress towards being more in the NOW and present in my life),but still know that it is an area that I am still progressing in and need to continually work at it. 

 HANDSFREE MAMAs blog struck a cord that now is the time to SLOW down this CHRISTMAS holiday and see all the JOY and the beauty that is around. NOT worry about those Christmas lights that didn't get hung on our new home. Don't worry about all those projects that I wanted to get to before a certain day. Don't worry about what we can and can't fit into our BUSY schedule this month. This month is a time where peace should fill the air and we should be happy because we are blessed. Take the time to put down your devices a little more this month. I know sometimes it seems like we are MISSING something. I would say we are. We are missing the important things in our lives that really add value and happiness to our souls when we are “distracted.” Dedicate the rest of this month to take the hands-free challenge with me. 

(Even if it’s a little less time here and there)

PLEASE take the time to ready her blog. (link below) As you read it you may too be reminded that you are human. This is our time to learn and grow. Our loving Heavenly Father let's us live, try, fail. He doesn't want us to be perfect, he wants us to develop into who we need to be. Like I mentioned before, we all need mending in areas of our lives. THAT’S OK


"A guide to putting down the phone, burning the TO DO list and letting go of PERFECTION!"


5 Simple Ways to Start Living in the NOW

1.    Pick one evening a week that no-one uses devices

(Ours is NO Technology Tuesday)

2.    CALL a neighbor, family member or friend just to say hello. 

3.    Set aside 15 personal minutes a day to write in a journal or start a blog or post in your blog.

(Consciously try to only focus on the topic you are writing about. DO NOT look at Instagram or Facebook the entire time)

4.    Write a letter to someone you LOVE. (old fashioned charm) 
5.    Laugh!!! AND when you notice yourself laughing… Laugh some more.

Thank you for reading.... Jamie B. xoxo


Saturday, December 7, 2013

So I'm Blogging

My name is Jamie and this is my new BLOG. "I'm now a blogger!" My idea for a blog has been a long time coming. Coming up with the idea as to what I wanted to blog about is actually what helped me to create the name Mending Treasures.  You see, I have found it very hard to choose one thing or just one idea to blog about. I knew I wanted my blog to be about something I love and find value in. (which is a lot of topics)

As a thrifta-nista and bargain goo-rue, it is simply hard for me not find value in something someone would consider junk. I believe anything can be "Mended." Not just that old piece of furniture found for $8.00 at the DI, but also relationships of all kinds, our health, spirit and emotional well-being can indeed be fixed or improved. All you need is fresh paint around those rough edges!
As I continued to ponder upon my idea for this blog, I decided to look up the definition "Mending." Mend*ing simply is the act of putting something in working order again. Fix, Repair, Restore & Improve are synonyms to follow. These ideas lead me to defining "Treasure,” which is anything or person greatly valued.

As you follow me on my Blog, you will find me discussing topics  about family life-marriage/dating & friendships; lost and found trinkets and treasures, DIY projects; Pediatric Occupational Therapy Interventions for children for typically developing and children with special needs, including functional inexpensive activities for any child (my favorite); healthy living with workouts-mindfulness techniques for all you busy and anxious people out there-and also recipes of good eats; uplifting spiritual material; and so much more. All of these "treasures" I find great value in.  Even those DIY projects that make my heart smile and my home happy.

While I’m not learning about how to be a “Blogger,” you can find me out and about with my hubby Brighton; fixing up and decorating our new old red brick house; making DIY projects; working out; working as an Occupational Therapist with kiddos in the school district  with and without  special needs and well, much more.